Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Poor Mum spent the day in bed with a cold. 

Nan and I had a nice chat on the phone, after which she was going to bake a tea cake for afternoon tea with my uncle (her son).

I'm not sure what my sister did.  Although, I did receive a picture text of the munchkins riding on the bus with Dad in the driver's seat.  He went to work today (he is a bus driver) and it seems that they went to visit. 

I spent the afternoon with my cousins.  We had a marvellous time.  Vegemite sandwiches, orange juice poppas, mueslie bars, corn chips, bananas, cheese and crackers and freddo frogs were just enough to keep the kids fed.  We watched Veggietales, coloured-in pictures, walked to the park, played on the swings and the slide, walked home, made sock puppets and face painted.  Can you think of a better day? I can't. 

Hey, Hagrid Here.  We had a great time today with the kids, but I'm exhausted!  Love you heaps, but SSSSHHHHH

As I was saying, nice day, but it is definitely time for bed.  Hagrid needs to take off his cranky pants and get in his pj's. 

This week is NAPLAN Test Week (three days of standardised tests).  So, I doubt I will be entering the blogosphere until it is over.  I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL IT IS OVER. 

Good Night Vegemite, See you on the other side. 

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