Saturday, October 31, 2015

A Busy Week of Busy!

Dad was in hospital.  He had an infection and needed antibiotics. 

He came home. He is tired. 

Mum decided it was time to get a new bench top in our kitchen.  She had finally saved up the money.

The plumber and the electrician came to visit. 

A man took me out for coffee.  Don't get excited... nothing came of it.

Someone came to install the new bench top. 

The kitchen sink got taken out!!

Two little girls came to visit yesterday afternoon (number 7 and number 8).  I will tell you more about that later. 

Shelly had to go to the vet for a mani/pedi.  She has finally forgiven me. 

Today, was Halloween.  There were lots of children knocking on my door early this evening.  I have run out of chocolate.

I am tired.